I don’t wish to be pigeon holed as that “controversial” blogger. I hope I offer some constructive criticism. I mean…am I Reggae’s Jerry Springer? Lol. My wife insists I was born without that part of the brain that regulates speech.
I’m not shy when it comes to talk’n ‘bout politics and race, but one taboo that shuts me up like a slammed door is sexual preference.
Many moons ago, back when I was a hormone driven youth-man, the boys and me were sitting around drinking beer and playing cards. The cliché question of what lady singers we thought were hot was asked. I casually tossed out Diana Ross’s name. I am talking the smoking album cover/poster and not her 80’s musical content!
Ya think I came outta the closet or something judging by everybody’s reaction! Remember this was back in 1980 or 1981. Explain to me how wanting to f**k this hot older superstar chick makes me a twinkle toes?
It wasn’t her looks but her gay disco following that earned me that moment of scorn. I thank JAH I didn’t say Donna Summer!
“F**king f**gots!” I mumbled, “Yep...no thanks to them it’s not even safe to admit that I’d love to knock boots with Diana Ross.”

Racy stuff back in analog days!
So that was the first time uttered a hateful slur. I usually reserve the hateful slurs for the person that signs my paycheck. I live in a very straight world filled with wives and ex-wives and crying babies, so I know nothing about the heterosexually challenged population. I don't give homophobia much thought. They leave me alone and I won’t watch American Idol in return. Fair enough. I figure it is Jah’s place to pass judgment and not my humble human opinion.
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