First up is Sizzla's Blazing The Fire. Buy it. See it. Support all involved. Nothing is as good as being front row center, but since I was states away while this concert went down, this is the next best thing.
Sizzla, Anthony B, Yami Bolo, Ras Shiloh and a few others! I can feel the build up of anticpation. I can feel the crowd. The inbetween performance cracks are filled in with face to face interviews, warm ups and general backstage mayhem. Ahh, those performances are the real reason to pickup this release out of sea of imposters. After seeing this, I need to see Anthony B live! The bright clear sound quality sometimes gets overwhelmed but the camera knows where to be. I can easily forgive the PA system. Oh, and Sizzla? He screams, he rants and raves, he sermons and pours his heart and soul into Black Woman and Child. Even the end credits catch fyah! The best Reggae / Dancehall concert DVD I have seen yet. Find yourself a copy. You will not feel ripped off.
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