I wish crime really did pay, cause livin' this clean straight life is keeping me poor! My toilet of a day job is cloggged with industrial toxins and hazardous waste. Now a-ways back I fell victim to one of those "turn your sad little life around by going to college" commercials. Lol . I enrolled myself into an associates degree program for applied science. That is short hand for X-ray tech. Yeah, I know all this talk of toxic waste and now I am willing to expose myself to doses of radiation; but I figure I ate enough lead paint as a youth to keep me safe.

Once I get that diploma in my hand both respect and good pay will come my way. Only problem I can't solve is my last semester of Physics. My brain stopped after one too many solutions. Point of all this? You do not need to be mathematically minded to know that these 25 songs add up too 1 brillant CD. So sit back and let Mavado lecture you on life as a gangsta.
ReplyDeleteNico, when I grow up, I hope to be like you.
Nah, Achis stay young-this a sad but true story. Many years ago this wrinkly old hag pulled me out of a crowd and stared straight into my eyes. She told me, "young man you will be involved in a terrible accident. That in the year 2020 you will become horribly disfigured in a time machine malfunction." She then turned away from me as if she could not look at my shame and whispered that my memoir will only be ranked the unlucky thirteenth place on Oprah's book club. I still break out in cold sweats thinking about it.