WRITE ME nicosreggaeblog@gmail.com

Friday, March 25, 2011


BUJU... whether guilty or innocent; whether you believe him or not...he's been a victim of character assassination.

 Those close to him are explaining that BUJU likes to talk a lot of shit. Whirlwinds of bravado. RASTA GOT COKE?  Government agents have proof of BUJU sampling the merchandise. All my friends that claimed that he jumped to the RASTA way of life as merely a business decision said, "see...I told ya so!" 

In essence that claim is bull. Why? Several big names making even bigger entertainment dollars like Elephant Man or Sean Paul make no association with RASTA ideologies. So RASTA doesn't equal FAME and MONEY. Now that's a foolish accusation!

Those same friends also claim that SIZZLA is faking it! Huh? We know he was raised into the faith by Rastafarian parents! 

Before the world got all PC on us, there was a young thug from Salt Lane Kingston working the mic. Back when Mark Anthony Myrie, Buju's real name, was hungry for woman, hungry for dollars and hungry for everything that success brought with it. Working the mic became a means to survival. Working that mic was a means to escape from further ghetto suffrage. 

To be enjoyed at face value. BUJU doesn't hide behind any false pretenses here. In 1992 the teen aged BUJU is openly homophobic, he is braggingly misogynistic and BUJU is performing his real self here. That self? A hormone driven youth possibly facing a future he was told that as a poor BLACK MAN he would never have. Arguably, environment plays a large part in shaping his lyrical content...so spin this disc as an Anthropological experience. It provides a valuable peek into places to dark for the sun to shine. Do I agree with him? No, but personally I do believe the RASTA GOT SOUL. Hell, there is a lot of shit about my own youth I'm not proud of! 

Life, image and doing business in BABYLON caught up to him. Remember folks we are all human first and pious secondly. 

Will this guilty verdict destroy BUJU'S career? Sure gigs and sales may be immediately affected, but the big picture could tell a different story. Check the legends of folk heros like HUDDIE WILLIAM  "LEAD BELLY", JOHNNY CASH and MERLE HAGGARD. A few years from now, you'll be able to add LIL WAYNE'S name to that list. 

Coke and Bobo don't mix but BUJU and PENTHOUSE RECORDS were meant for each other. I can't get enough of it!

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