I am at the mall with my wife Krispy and we are shopping for shoes. You know; after awhile, women’s shoes all look the same, so my mind starts to wander. Krispy’s voice slow pulls my attention back in, “ What the hell are ya doing?” I sleepily respond, “ Huh. Did ya pick outta pair ya like?.” “She barks back, “What the hell are you talking about?” Then I come crashing back to reality and I realize I am sitting at my computer reviewing Turbulence’s record “The Future”.

Wow, say it is not so!
The Future 6.5 out of 10 Stars
Okay, it might not be that bad, but compared to his best work, yeah. My wife Krispy asked me what did we just listen to and before I could answer, we were cruising down to the mall.

Notorious, The Album 8.5 out of 10 stars.

Songs of Solomon 8.5 out of 10 Stars
But back to the man in question… Okay, some of Turbulence’s deservedly big releases will have this one song of dubious belonging. It is like he sneaks in some bland R’nB song hoping for that American crossover. This has me thinking that I accidentally changed the channel. Except I'm not listening to the radio, I'm spinning his CD. Then just as mysteriously as the song began, it is over and back to a great record. "Huh, am I hearing tings?"

Words of Wisdom 9 out of 10 Stars
Now flip the coin and his deservedly dubious releases will contain an absolute gem or two. Technically speaking then, that makes all of his records necessary. If ya got the pockets!

Hail the King 9.5 out of 10 Stars