WRITE ME nicosreggaeblog@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


To keep my Blog from smelling like unrefrigerated fish I am going to air out my page with something a little different than the usual Reggae reporting.

You want fresh record reviews with thoughtful bios? Go read that ACHIS page and his endless supply of unheard new! Me...I'm gonna cover the curious and weird gwaans in the world of reggae.

Taste of whats to come...Verbal throw-down between BURNING SPEAR and EBREGGAE! Say it aint so! Accusations, lawyers and bootlegs? Oh my.

Also stuff like...

Even tho so many venerated elders have passed through Saint Peter's Pearly Gates- it is still a blessed moment in time to surrender your ears to JAH gospel music. Why?

Um? Do we need another doc on BOB?




By no means junk mail. Hopefully tomorrow.

Friday, January 27, 2012


You could say that Luciano is easy to listen too but he is by no means easy listening.

I could lie to your face and say that Luciano's Child Of A King was recorded in 1977 at Channel One Studios backed by the Revolutionaries and if you didn't know any better...you would believe me.

Luciano dropped it through VP Records in 2006 and this release benefited from the very best that technology had to offer. So meticulous and perfect in it's creation is this record that surely time won't tarnish it's brilliance. CHILD OF A KING fits so easily into either generation. This record has no expiration date. 

There is so much humanity in his soul that even tunes burdened with heavy woe are uplifted. It may be a way over used cliche' but Luciano embodies positive vibes. Sure themes are pulled directly from the pages of JAH'S words but Luciano is also no stranger to the daily newspapers and their headline reports of bloodshed that clot up the print.

Luciano warns of wars that will leave tomorrows children with no Earth to inherit. He can't turn the cheek on Black on Black crime. And for those Badmen who prey on the weak, there is no nourishment in their personal gain. Wicked practitioners of violence eventually fall victim of their own vicious cycle. You can't broker a deal with the Devil and expect to win for long. There will come a time when the Devil comes to collect what you owe him. The temptation to stick an IRS joke here is overwhelming. 

 Repatriation? There is always path leading home.

A pound of JAH THOMAS

Until legislation legalizes being under the influence of Jah Thomas's DANCE HALL STYLEE, don't drive with it booming through your car speakers, you will be stopped by the law and you will have to explain why your car is filled up with ganja smoke and yet nobody present puffed a spliff. Try talking your way out of why your eyes are bloodshot red and yet again explain that you haven't inhaled any of the intoxicating aroma of herb. 
Blame it on Jah Thomas....!

So thick and heavy was the Sensi fog during the original session back 1982 that more than twenty-five years later you can still get a contact high from the second smoke! 

So slow Rub-A-Dub all of your 5 senses from the safety of your couch.
This musical dope was grown by Jah Thomas at Channel One Studios. Harvested by the Roots Radics Band and then rolled by Scientist at King Tubbys.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I have in the works a review of Luciano's amazing CHILD OF A KING disc. I listened intently too it in honor of Martin Luther King's Day. Different time and place...but their message is the same. I finished up that Busy Signal post reviewing his brilliant LOADED disc that I started in what seems like years ago. I will refresh it soon....


I am almost a half century old! Too prove I'm not a complete living fossil I downloaded some Reggae Apps to my IPad2. I'm field testing 'em now. My Lady Saw has a free app that was written a ways back and seems interesting enough. Ce'Cile has an app for her latest drop, Jamaicanization, that looks really well crafted with lots of extra goodies! The only draw back is I already have the disc downloaded from I-Tunes and the app costs $7.99. So if ya haven't bought her latest (shame on you) buy it in app form. 

Sheldon Campbell has a fan app for .99 cents that I am too cheap too pay for! For now anyway. The online magazine UNITED REGGAE has a FREE mobile device app that puts me instantly in touch with the latest Reggae news reporting. I have no excuse now. Still searching and learning my new toy.